Nokia recently launched the stunningly designed Nokia Luna Bluetooth Stereo headset. The amazing Nokia Luna headset features a unique in-ear design and NFC capability. It can be easily paired with a NFC enabled Nokia smartphone by just tapping the two devices together to share content. The Nokia Luna headset features an advanced multipoint technology, which allows you to pair up to two phones at the same time.
“We are excited to launch the new Nokia Luna Bluetooth headset” said V Ramnath, Director – Sales, Nokia India. “With a stunning design and an innovative technology like NFC, Nokia Luna features noise isolating in-ear design, adaptive volume adjustment and pop it mechanism. It is a perfect combination of top notch functionality and style, which will appeal to our young consumers.”
Nokia Luna Specifications:
* Bluetooth 2.1 with enhanced data rate (EDR)
* Near Field Communication (NFC)
* -15°C to +55°C operating temperature
* Automatic volume adjustment
* microUSB charging interface
* Handsfree profile (HFP) 1.5
* Headset profile (HSP) 1.1
* Advanced Multipoint
* Up to 8 hours of talk-time
* Up to 35 hours of stand-by time (Out of holder)
* Up to 60 days of stand-by time (In holder)
* Headset: 25.31 x 24.00 x 26.36 mm
* Holder: 48.98 x 48.87 x 29.95 mm
* Weight – Headset: 5 g, Holder: 18.3 g
The Nokia Luna headset is available in 5 vibrant colors – Cyan, Fuchsia, Green, White and Black. It come with a price-tag of just Rs.4,530 (approx. $90). The NFC pairing is compatible only with the Nokia 700, Nokia 701, Nokia 600 and Nokia 603 smartphones.
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